Urban house
Urban House is located on Saladaeng, Silom – the heart of Bangkok’s business, tourist and entertainment district, provides you a cozy and clean accommodation in a relaxing atmosphere for both business and leisure travelers. Within walking distance, you may find shopping malls, major attractions, embassies, first class hotels, banks, restaurants, night market (Patpong), Suanlum night bazzar, and recreation area (Lumpini Park).
Since it is close to BTS skytrain station (Saladaeng), underground MRT station (Silom), it is very convenient and easy to access to all parts of the city.
Room Type | Room Rates | |
Standard Room |
1080 |
Suite | 1430 |
- All room rates quoted in Thai Baht per room per night, aximum two persons per room.
- Rates are subject to change without prior notice.
- We accept cash only.
- Complimentary Continental breakfast included.
- Our building is smoke-free building.Guests are not allowed to smoke in the building. However, we do provide space outside for smoking.
- Guests' visitors are not allowed in guests'room.
以上圖文部分取自於 Part information from Urban house
Urban house http://www.urbanh.com/
E-mail address: c_saladaeng@yahoo.com
Urban House:35/13 Soi Yommarat, Saladaeng Rd., Silom, Bangkok Phone: 081 4927778
Zanotti:21/2 1st Floor, Saladaeng Colonnade Condominium,Silom Rd., Silom Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
Chance Spa:35/3 Soi Yommarat, Saladaeng Rd., Silom, Bangkok 10500;Phone: 081 4927778
Urban House位於曼谷MRT Silom站與BTS Sala Daeng站附近,交通便利又鄰近桑倫夜市與巴澎夜市,但是位於小巷弄內,鬧中取靜又不擔心噪音,走路到空鐵與地鐵站只約需7~8分鐘。不過早就聽說第一 次去的人都會花點時間找,畢竟她的位置真的很隱密,在巷子最底端,出發前我們上google earth尋找並仔細在地圖上標了地點,還順便看看附近的環境(說到這真的不讚嘆google earth超神奇),所以我們在第一天找UH時並沒花多少時間,反而是遇到黑心計程車司機在捷運站附近給我繞來繞去花了比較多時間。
其實只要從Silom Rd彎進Sala Daeng Rd,看到這家Zanotti義大利餐廳左轉,進去第二條巷子再右轉走到底就是Urban House了。Zanotti也是家頗有名氣的店,每晚我們回家時,裡面幾乎高朋滿座,而且清一色是西方人,消費當然也不便宜,晚餐一人約要千元以上。現 在有點後悔沒有去吃,難得到了曼谷,而且就在Urban House附近應該要去好好享受一下的。