[工作面試時必問的 10 個問題]
1. 請問工作薪資多少? 一小時 xx 塊是稅前還是稅後?
How much per hour? Is xx before or after tax?
2. 一個星期可以做幾天? 一星期大概有多少工作時數?
How many working days per week? How many working hours will I have in one week?
3. 請問一週大概可以賺多少錢?
How much could I earn for one week?
4. 請問週六/週日薪資和平常日一樣嗎?
Do you have different pay on Saturday or Sunday?
5. 請問工作內容大概是甚麼?
What is this job about?
6. 請問有任何服裝規定嗎?
Do you have any clothing regulation??
7. 請問這份工作可以做多久?
How long could I work for this job?
8. 請問我何時可以開始上班?
When could I start to work?
9. 請問有提供住宿嗎? 請問是一般宿舍或是車屋?
Do you provide accommodation? Is that Hostel or Caravan Park?
How much for the rent per week?
11. 請問通常都幾個人一間?
How many people live together in one room?
12.請問從住宿處到農場有提供交通接送嗎? 多少錢一週?
Do you provide transportation from hostel to the Farm? How much per week?